Find a sitter at Kiawah Island, SC

Kiawah Babysitter is a concierge childcare service operating in Kiawah Island, South Carolina and the surrounding area. Our sitters are professionals who work with children of all ages in their spare time. We are responsible and driven adults—not the high school or college students you will normally find as babysitters, who often are unavailable except during the summer. While our number one priority is safety, we also emphasize a fun experience for the children, so that, when you are on the course or out to dinner, you can rest assured that your children are also on vacation.

Tee-time, wedding, night-on-the-town? We have you covered.


When are the sitters available?

Our sitters have different schedules, depending on their type of profession. Our sitters tend to be available on Weekends and after 5pm, but they can sometimes accommodate other requests.

Do you come to me?

We all have our own transportation to your home, hotel room, or vacation rental in Kiawah or in the surrounding area. We take care of vehicle passes.

Can I book multiple sitters?

For more than 4 children, we usually recommend more than one sitter. Pending availability, we have been able to organize up to three sitters to babysit a large group of children.

Are you a nanny service?

No, we are independent contractors who babysit on an ad hoc basis.

Can I book for multiple dates?

Yes, you can. Please detail the other dates you would like in the message.
